May 29, 2020


Last Updated May 29th, 2020 at 1:00 pm


We will begin meeting in person again starting June 14, 2020. Please watch the video below for more detailed guidelines for attending.





Previous Information below

Dear Church Family,


As Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to spread throughout our country and now our state, we are continuing to monitor the situation as a staff to determine what we should do in terms of events and services. As of now we will be cancelling Sunday Morning and Evening Services and Wednesday Services and Activities until April 30th, tentative (Update). At that time, we as a staff will re-evaluate the situation. We feel it is important to honor the request of our government and health authorities (update).


As of Monday, March 23, 2020, because of the Governor’s Executive Order No. 2020-21 in-acting a shelter-at-home for all non-essential peoples, we will honor our governments request by cancelling all services and activities until April 30th or until the government lifts its restrictions.

  1. We encourage you to care for those who are at risk around you, family, neighbors, etc.
  2. If you are someone who has needs, please let us know in any way that you can: email, website, phone or Facebook.
  3. We encourage you to meet together in homes, if you are healthy, to pray and fellowship.
  4. MMBC will not be distributing food with the YMCA because of the lack of participation by our community. The YMCA is not in need of any volunteers at this time. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Scott. (Update)


If you are concerned please use your discretion. The CDC has said that certain populations are at greater risk, such as those who are older or have pre-existing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease or lung disease.

Here are steps our church is taking to stay healthy:

  1. Stocking restrooms with plenty of hand-soap.
  2. Stocking public areas with hand sanitizer as much as possible.
  3. For the time being, temporary modifications to our Sunday Services will be made to limit physical contact and the spread of germs.

Here are steps you should take to stay healthy and keep others healthy:

  1. If you (or your kids) feel sick, stay home.
  2. Cover your face with your sleeve/tissue if you need to cough or sneeze.
  3. Wash your hands after being in public places or coughing/sneezing.
  4. Avoid close contact with people, especially if you qualify to be at greater risk.

Though I normally don’t encourage this as a replacement for corporate worship, if in the coming days you determine that it is prudent for you to stay home, you are still able to view our church services online here on our website. You may also continue to financially support the church through online giving or through the mail. This is very important because as a church we will be meeting many needs in the days ahead for our church family and your giving is vital for us to do that.


In an attempt to help those who are vulnerable or at risk please be proactive and call and check on them to make sure their needs are being met. If there is something that we as a church can do to help get them through this uncertain time, please let the church office know.


One last thing as a challenge. I came across a tweet from Pastor Kevin DeYoung saying,

“Our biggest concern in life is not sickness, it is sin. By all means, let’s do all we can to limit the spread of physical disease. But our precautions against vice should be even more than our precautions against a virus.”

I know this was challenging for me. We are taking all kinds of precautions for this virus (as we should) yet so often we treat sin as a minor ordeal. Our greatest enemy is sin and if we were half as diligent at avoiding and containing sin as we are COVID-19, I do believe we would see more spiritual fruitfulness in our lives.


Let us make sure we continue to pray for this situation and all those affected around the world. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the church office.


God Bless,

Pastor Tim Iocoangeli