Disaster Relief in Texas, want to help?

August 29, 2017
Want to help Disaster Relief in Texas? Here’s how!
Michigan Disaster Relief, which is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention of Michigan, is informing Michigan Baptists who are wanting to help relief in Texas how they can help!
- Give financially to the MI Southern Baptist teams working in the Texas disaster and for buying needed relief supplies. Send your checks to: BSCM – Disaster Relief, 8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430.
- Go as a volunteer to Texas to help! You don’t have to be a trained Disaster Relief volunteer. Disaster Relief would provide on-the-job training free in transit to the location. If your church, individuals, or mission team could go, please call Judy at 810-223-2465 to arrange the schedule and travel information.
Is MMBC organizing a team to go to Texas?
As a church, Monroe Missionary Baptist Church, we will not be organizing a team to go to Texas but instead are encouraging our members who wish to help to contact Disaster Relief of Michigan and volunteer through them.
What else can we do?
We also urge you to pray for the people who have been effected by hurricane Harvey, that they may find peace in Jesus Christ and we trust that God will be glorified through this tragedy!