Volunteer Opportunities

Upcoming / ongoing volunteer opportunities. To get involved, simply follow the instructions indicated in the description!

Disaster Relief

The Baptist State Convention of Michigan’s Disaster Relief (as a part of the SBC’s network of volunteer teams) brings hope and healing to the survivors of disaster, showing the love of God to all people.  MMBC will be hosting an upcoming training to equip you to do hands-on mission (chainsaw work, flood recovery or feeding) work through Disaster Relief.  Sign ups are available HERE.

(See Marc Iocoangeli for additional information.)

Offering Collection Team

Because of COVID, we changed our offering collections to the current “front & rear of sanctuary drop off” process. We will be returning soon (on Sunday Mornings) to “passing the plate” and are looking for volunteers to assist with this!

If you’re a member of Monroe Missionary Baptist Church and would like to volunteer for this ministry, sign up HERE and plan to attend the brief meeting on Sunday, September 10, 2023 immediately following the morning service.

Our goal is to have a rotating schedule, allowing for individuals to serve periodically (not every week).

(If you have questions or need any other information, please see Pastor Tim or John Edwards)

Serve Monroe

Our most recent Serve Monroe project was a church wide event; not just for our youth (any children participating MUST be accompanied by an adult)!  It took place on July 24 & 25 & 26, 2023; 5-8PM in cooperation with the Michigan DNR (Sterling State Park) as well as with a local nursing home.  Watch for future Serve Monroe opportunities!