2023 VBS Daily Schedule
July 10-14; 9am – noon
Tribe Info (teacher / room number / tribe name)
MARKETPLACE NOTE – there are 9 stations in the marketplace this year, plus the Food Market (snack). 4 of them (italics and shaded) are free-play / unmanned stations, the other 5 are specific activities with an adult volunteer at each of those. Please plan each day for your students to visit one of the specific activities (stations number 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9) and one of the unmanned free-play stations (number 2, 4, 6 & 8). By the end of the week, students “should” have visited each of the odd-numbered stations one time, and then the unmanned even-numbered stations ideally at least once. Let me know if you have any questions! -Anna