Family Devotion July 29th 2020

Song to Sing
All praise to Him, the God of light
Who formed the mountains by His might
All praise to Him Who names the stars
That sing His fame in skies afar
All praise to Him Who reigns in love
Who guides the galaxies above
Yet bends to hear our every prayer
With sovereign pow’r and tender care
All praise to Him whose love is seen
In Christ the Son, the Servant King
Who left behind His glorious throne
To pay the ransom for His own
All praise to Him Who humbly came
To bear our sorrow, sin, and shame
Who lived to die, Who died to rise
The all-sufficient sacrifice
All praise to Him whose pow’r imparts
The love of God within our hearts
The Spirit of all truth and peace
The fount of joy and holiness
To Father, Son, and Spirit now
Our souls we lift, our wills we bow
To You, the Triune God, we raise
With loving hearts our song of praise
To Father, Son, and Spirit now
Our souls we lift, our wills we bow
To You, the Triune God, we raise
With loving hearts our song of praise
Devotion to Watch
Pray Together
Discuss and pray over what you have just watched and also for any requests that you may have. Just one person could pray or go around and give everyone a chance!
We hope this was encouraging to you today! We are looking forward to the time when we can meet again face to face!
Question about giving your tithe or offering?
This short video outlines 4 ways you can give without leaving your home!